Sunday, March 31, 2013

Information Sharing in Cybersecurity

Last week General Keith Alexander, the Chief of the NSA and Commander of USCYBERCOM addressed the criticality of information sharing as it relates to cybersecurity. 

In the pre-9/11 days intelligence agencies were denied the ability to share information on cases they were working.  This obviously caused much unnecessary duplication of effort and missed opportunities in prevention and investigating crimes.

General Alexander is calling for the public and private sectors to work together for the common good of cybersecurity in the United States.

Balancing privacy and sharing information to protect the country may be a delicate issue, but Alexander says "we can do both".

Alexander also went on to say that President Obama's recent Executive Order is a step in the right direction to get critical information sharing rolling. 

Here is a link to an article on the EO:

And here is the link to the original article:

That's it for this week--enjoy!

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